Sunday, October 10, 2010


(Left to Right-Me, Daavie, Saybre, and Shane)

I deleted my latest blog post...I kinda felt bad about it...see? I have emotions!

I have had zero time to blog lately. I'm back in school and homework dominates my lifeeeeee...WHYYYY?!?!?!??!?! ugh. And when homework isn't killing all of my time, I am too busy shopping in SL or sorting out people's issues. But it's all in fun.

I plan to reconstruct this site soon, as I think it is a bit boring.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to: Become Completely Over-dramatic

This blog often shifts from vague bloodlines issues to more widespread SL issues. At the moment, I have nothing to give Bloodlines or the people in it shit for. Honestly, I haven't had time to even care as soooo much has been going on in Second Life.

First of all, there is the whole teens entering the main grid fiasco. Ugh, I want to blog about this so bad but I am not about to switch gears. When I was 17, I would have loved to have been on Second Life, but if I know the people I went to high school with, there were some real dumbasses, who would have screwed everything up. So, in a nutshell, although I know some are mature enough to handle the adult content of SL, its to big of a legal liability, and I am completely against it. I'll leave it at that now for now.

I came to blog about the Emerald Viewer scandal. Not about what happened and why, I think we all understand that by now, but about the reactions of some of the users. But first, a bit of background info.

I use Viewer 2. SHOCK! It has its fall backs, but overall, I think it is much sleeker and cleaner looking. It has benefits that I don't think the old viewer has or Emerald. I used to use Emerald religiously, but really, I found it to be a pimped out version of Viewer 1, and I thought Viewer 1 looked like shit, so it was just a whole bunch more crap taking up my screen space. Besides the fact that it looks absolutely prehistoric. I occasionally hop on Emerald if I need to dual log or if I need to use some other feature it has, and I like it that way.

but mostly, I use V2 because I find that the majority of Emerald users act as if they are hooked on some drug. Or like Emerald is the "holy of holies" as far as viewers go. So many of them are so arrogant, and aren't even willing to try to understand any other viewer because "nothing can top Emerald". I think Emerald is great. I think it's users generally suck. (key word: generally, YOU may be the exception!) This is simply my opinion, but pompous, arrogant, cocky attitudes are beyond me.

I did watch Arabella and....I forget her name...on....that one talk show the other night. Some Second Life talk show hosted by a chick named Lindsey? Nice Aussie lady. Anywho, they were so nice and I sincerely felt bad for them and for what Fractured Crystal did to Emeralds users. I thought it was cheap and disrespectful. I honestly wish them the best and hope that the new viewer they are working on turns out great, because I would totally use it. Anyway, since all of this happened, it's been like the Apocalypse. Everyone is freaking out! Sending notices and IM's and all sorts of BS to warn people. THERE IS NOTHING TO BE WARNED ABOUT. Yes, Emerald has been taken of the approved third party viewer list, but it has not been banned, and it is only a matter of time before they are back on it. LL sent out a notice in the blogs today about it. If the Emerald haters would get off their LL hating asses and read the blog, they would know exactly whats going on.

So how do you become completely over-dramatic? Be as uninformed and biased as possible. Don't read anything LL sends out. Don't try to find OFFICIAL information. Assume that anything the Lindens do send out, is bullshit, because after all, they are the enemy. Cling to your emerald shaped teddy bears and send notices out to your friends warning them about the impending doom. Oh, and don't forget to pack your virtual bomb shelter full of bottled water, tuna, and SPAM. You wouldn't want to go hungry when Phillip Linden attack your skybox for using the unapproved Emerald.

Get a grip people. Emerald is not going anywhere. SL is not going anywhere. (unless the teens send us all to prison next December...) We can all live together peacefully using our viewer of choice. : )

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to: Create a really shitty vampire.

Creating a really shitty vampire is easy. It is done every day in every dark corner of SL you can think of. Here, I will give you all the necessary rules to making this happen. Note: This also applies to shitty lycans and shitty blood dolls.

Rule Number One: Get Flashy.
You need to be noticed, so go ahead and make yourself look good. Now, if you think your chances are best looking scary as hell, do it. If you think it would be best if you looked super sexy, put on that thong and make it work girl. (or guy, to each his own.) Looking good is half the attraction. If you can attract them, you will most likely win their heart.

Exception to Rule Number One: The trick bite.
If you don't care about having any kind of communication with your prey, then dont even worry about how you look. If your game is just randomly biting tons of people in hopes that one or two will eventually buy the HUD, then leeching is your game, and don't even worry about looking good. Though, it may still help. Especially in notorious sex areas filled with hot and half naked avi's.

Rule Number Two: Make Promises.
Making promises is a great way to reel them in. (If you want to create a good vamp, making promises that are REAL does help, as long as they are real benefits to joining). What kind of promises can you make? Oh, the possibilities are endless! Here are a few examples:
"If you join us, we can make you royalty"-Now, this isn't necessarily false, but they will have no idea how hard it is to become royalty, sneaky ay?
"I'm single you know, and I really like you"-This creates a false sense of attraction to their personality. The unsuspecting victim will surely fall for your trap, in hopes that they can have a relationship with you, especially if they see you as some sort of Edward Cullen. (Thats another good idea, talk about Twilight A LOT if you're a guy talking to ladies. They might see you sparkle and fall for it!)
"I know everyone in the clan, I will make sure you're comfortable."-This is another one that very well could be true. But usually isn't. Especially if their clan in heavy in numbers. This particular promise will be addressed in a later rule. This promise will make them feel like they are going to be ushered into the clan with some sort of parade, like they are a new born or something.
"We can probably find you a BF/GF in the clan"-You're not a match maker, but you can pretend to be one, especially if this avi seems particularly lonely or in need of a companion. These avi's can be easily spotted, just check out their profile. Any group relating to a dance club, dating service, sex service, etc. can tip you off. Little do they know that you don't actually intend on finding someone for them.

Rule Number Three: Flash that $599L.
Make sure they know that you are doing them a GREAT favor by paying for their HUD. Drop that 599 number a few times, it will make them feel like they are worth it. And they are, well, their soul is, you could care less about their personality. Try to make them feel bad if at all possible that your spending this money on them, it will sucker them in even more.

Rule Number Four: Turn them fast.
Don't give them time to think about it. If you do, they may get smart and look you up, or your clan. You also don't want to give them time to make a big decision. They can regret it later, but you will still have their soul.

Rule Number Five: Give them a heartless introduction, if any, to the clan.
By all means, don't create a notice to the clan introducing them. If you can help it, don't even introduce them over clan chat. The best way to keep them from bothering you is to not introduce them to anyone at all, especially clan royalty. Let them do this on their own, cause they most likely wont.

Rule Number Six: Leave them all sorts of confused.
This is the most important rule. If you don't use any of the rules listed above, ALWAYS use this one. Don't explain a thing to them. Once they have turned, make up some excuse to leave. Don't tell them to read the rules, TOS, NC's in the crate, any of it. The only thing you should do, is tell them to wear the fangs and teach them how to bite. But don't tell them not to go out and random bite, tell them to bite anyone and everyone, anywhere. An educated vampire will only give you grief. Keep them as dumb as possible, then they will be solely dependent you.

Those are the rules. Go out and make some shitty vamps! Why? cause its fun and then you can rank! Remember, only think about number one, and you surely will be prosperous in Bloodlines.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Save the Drama for your Mama

Let's take a break from Bloodlines for a bit. I would like to address a a serious epidemic plagueing Second Life.

The most complex 5 letter word I have ever come across: Drama.

It seems like some people make it their job to hand out drama like we were all standing in some bread line, craving it. However, anyone with a brain can recognize that this is a huge problem, and these drama pimps need to be dealt with.I do my best to remain calm in sticky situations and give out solid and educated advice. But the problem does not lye within the people who are seeking peace and harmony in Second Life, it is within the Dramatizers. Their brains cannot function nor process any sort of normalcy. They also cannot fathom the idea of respect and courtesy.

There is no solution I have yet to find except removing these people from your life or minimizing their amount of time spent in it. No amount of pleading or teaching them to respect will work in the long run.They will make progress for about ten minutes, and then regress into their natural state of dominance over your relationships and pure idiocrasy. Their lives are vacuous, and they will only keep sucking you in unless you stop giving them the power. Fight the Power! *raises fist in the air*

Short and Sweet. Next time: Oh boy, do I have some more Bloodlines rage to spill at you! I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

In Defense of the Genre...

Its been a while...and yes, I often steal album names as blog titles.

So why "In Defense of the Genre" by Say Anything? Welll, I wasnt inspired by the album or anything, I was more or less inspired to defend Mars Bracken and the Bloodlines RP system. I know I give it a lot of hell in this blog, but there are many things I truly love about BL and consider valuable. Defence...commence!

(please excuse any scatterbrainness...)

1. Bloodlines is truly a unique experience on Second Life. Why just wander aimlessly around SL acting like you would in RL? Isn't that contrary to the point of having a second life? Becoming a part of an RP system such as Bloodlines will enhance your experience, and give you a chance to truly go beyond your day to day sence of normalcy. Put aside any issues you may have with griefers, and you will find something that truly needs to be cherished in Bloodlines.

2.Given the popularity of vampires right now, you get the chance to enter into a world with many other people who may have similiar interests. Now, I am no Twilight freak, but I did enjoy the books. And yes, many vampires in SL are Tweekers (mad mad Twilight fans as I call them) but for the most part they just add to the fun. Saying this, it is not completely ridiculous to see or hear of vampires and lycans roaming around the wastelands of SL.

3. Mars Bracken is not trying to rip off the residents of Second Life. Yes, I am sure he has made a pretty penny with his RP system, but consider his intentions in creating Bloodlines. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he made it for himself and others to enjoy, most likely because all vampire sims at the time were sub par. I am thankful that he took the time to create BL, because I have met some of the most amazing people through it, and I am sure many would agree. Which brings me to my last point.

4.If you think I am full of it for saying numbers 1-3, then take this one as the most important, because it is. If you decide to join Bloodlines for anything, do it for the clan. You all should know my history in BL by now, and if you dont, read up on my earlier posts. My best friends in this SL world are vampires, from many different clans. But there is nothing better than coming online and being greeted by your clan in clan chat, and having some of the craziest conversations known to man, with people you consider to be your family. I am so lucky to be in such an amazing clan, and to have strong bonds with fellow vamps in other clans as well. I could come to the point where I hate everything about Bloodlines, but never leave for the sake of these relationships I have made.

So, in closing, every RP system has its errors, but I feel as if the positives WAY outweigh the negatives. I will most likely continue to blab about my issues with BL in the future, but let this post stand as where my heart lies, and that is in full support of Bloodlines.

Next time, I will try to be back to my ranting and raving self. : )

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Smooth Talking Bloodlines Shit Heads

Originally, I wanted to copy and paste a conversation I had with a certain vampire of the Crimson Republic in this post, but I fear I cannot do that now. (no explanation needed, but maybe someday I will be able to.) But here is the gist of it:
***the abridged, straight outta my memory version***
Shit head vamp: I would love it if you joined my clan. You would be perfect.
Me:No thanks, I am quite comfortable with my clan.
SHV: Is that so?
Me: Yes.

a few minutes later...

SHV: Well if you ever decide to leave, babe, you can liege to me.
Me: oooooo tempting....but no thanks.
SHV: alright then.

again, a few minutes later...

SHV: Well, let me add you, just in case. I think you would love it in C.R. and you could liege to me. You would fit in quite nicely.
Me: ahhhhhhh okay I'll add you, now SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Thus, I logged the convo in a notecard, just in case an opportunity arose to use it in a medium such as this. But as I stated before, I cannot do so at the moment.

What is the point of this? It is just another scam used by up tight, self righteous Bloodlines vamps who think their avi's are God's gift to women. When in actuality, they are probably any type of loser you want to imagine. You just need to fill in the blank with any kind of disturbing image. More importantly, what they don't realize is that educated people, such as myself, see their offer for what it really is, complete and utter BULL SHIT. Ladies, you let some idiot talk you into switching clans, you are a fool. Because once you do, you will swiftly be introduced over group chat and forgotten about. This smooth talking avi with diamonds forming in his ass is not going to partner you, and sure as hell is not going to give you the proper introduction you need to form a good relationship with your clan. The same goes for you guys. If some scantily clad lady vamp comes to you with promises of sex and fame in the clan, they lied to you. You are just a number to these number hoarding ass wads. So steer clear.

Next time: well, who the hell knows what will put me over the edge next.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

scams, scams, scams

There are many days that I really think Bloodlines is a bunch of bull shit...

I want to believe and be a good vamp who sits with her mouth shut. I want to, when asked to jump, say "How high?". But I can't...

I love the experience of being in a clan and having a family to turn to. If Bloodlines is worth anything, thats what it is. That is what keeps me mixed up in this mad mad world.

But Second Life is infected with con artists. (not just vamps...I've heard one in four people are not actually what sex their avi is...) They glorify themselves and their clans by bedazzling themselves with all sorts of titles and fancy illustrations of grandeur. Oh, and then comes the "oh so sneaky" use of alts to up their or their clans soul count.

I confess, I was slain by this beast. At one point (about a year ago) as a noob and a noobie vamp I was convinced to create alts for the clan, which are now forever lost in the SL universe and barely a blip on Mars Bracken's radar screen...I was new and naive. Believe that if I came across a clan member of mine using this dirty tactic, I would do something about it. (not quite sure what...yet.)

But the thing that really kills me, is the lack of education. The few people I have had liege to me have been highly educated and what to do and what NOT to do by myself. I go out of my way to make sure I am not responsible for leeching and annoying vampires. But some liege's dont give a shit what their minions do. They don't even tell them to read the T.O.S. or rules given to each vampire/lycan/hybrid with purchase of the system! THOSE people are the ones responsible for the bad name Bloodlines gets. The lazy liege's who don't take the time to properly inform their minions about the game.

Here is an example: Recently I was with a few friends at Bloodlines East. There I ran into an annoying male avi with an obnoxiously huge mohawk who proceeded to try to bite every person around them, including myself. 1st, how stupid can you be to go hunting at Bloodlines East?! Those people already are, or are planning to be vamps. 2nd why in the hell would you think it is ok to go around asking every person around you for a bite? (sign one that they have not read the TOS) It's called leeching and its is highly frowned upon. After this went down, I promptly scanned the brain dead wannabe and sent a lengthy note card to his liege, explaining the situation and what action he needed to take. He responded well, and I hope he gave his mohawked little nut hoarder a scolding.

I could go on forever time: smooth talking hot Avi's who want your soul...and their big bag of flaming shit tricks.

Friday, May 21, 2010

What do you say to taking chances?

I was still pretty new when I was first approached about joining Bloodlines. I had no idea what it was, nor was a very interested at that point. I was pretty lucky to have been approached by a nice young woman about it, rather than bitten unknowingly by a random leech lurking about. She found me in one of those "freebie" worlds noobs and veterans alike often venture to. She wasn't shy about why she was IM'ing me, very straight forward. Which I like. I prefer not to deal with a bunch of B.S. with people, just cut to the chase. Anyway, the initial introduction to the Bloodlines RP didn't interest me too much, as she really didn't tell me any of the benefits. But then she told me that if I joined, I would be able to recruit too, and make money per person I brought in. (At the time, I didn't realize how "blind recruiting" is frowned upon. I'll talk about that later.) That is what hooked me. I was a noob and I had no Lindens to count, so the promise of money for bringing people in was quite promising. I left with her right away to meet my then first Liege (who is still a good friend of mine, and I respect greatly, so I will not mention her name), who would pay for the Bloodlines HUD for me, and in return I would bring in more people. It was simple. Buy the HUD, wear all the little gadgets, and have your soul turned. I was not advised to go and bite, but rather to bring people in. It was easy. I am confident to say that in my first month, I probably recruited 6 to 7 people to the clan. Whether or not they stayed active player, I do not know, but thats not the point of it?

It wasn't until I left for college last fall, and was unable to go in world, that I realized how wrong I was about my approach to Bloodlines. I thought, at that time, that it was purely a numbers game. One I was losing. Even if I cared now about "Soul Count" I would be out all those people I recruited, but we're unable to cash in on. But is that really how we should view the people we potentially want to bring into our clans? Bloodlines is a tricky thing. A tricky thing that I love. There is something so exciting about bringing in a person who actually wants to enter this world, and have them liege to you. (I have had this happen a few times, only to go back to school and become "destroyed" myself. Thus losing any souls I once acquired.) But that is how it should be. Too many clans see this as a purely a numbers game. The more we have in the clan, the better. No matter how many of them get lost in the cracks and not taken care of. The tricky thing is though, that many vamps see their clan as their sense of respect from others. I am sure many people in Blood Evolutions or the Crimson Republic feel like they deserve a lot of respect based on their choice of clan. But look at the numbers: as of 5/21/10 Blood Evolutions has 552 active souls. Thats pretty impressive. But they have a total of 4566 souls, meaning that only 12% of their souls are active in the game. Is that really something to be proud of? That almost 90% of the people you bring in eventually quit? Some of the numbers on are just insane! To think that so many people join Bloodlines and are essentially neglected by their lieges and clans.

I could easily be called a clan jumper. But hey, let me remind you that my first clan disbanded, ok? Anyway, I recently left the clan I've been with the last 5 months or so. They were experiencing some trouble, and I began gaining a lot of friends and confidants in a different clan. Eventually, the drama in my clan really started effect me, and I began to feel like a number. I barely knew anyone but my liege (whom, I must say i was very sad to leave! He is one of the greatest people I know on SL, a true leader!) but something needed to be done. I spent about a week complicating my choice to switch. I realized that I can count on one hand the people I knew in my clan, and could count probably 3x as many for the clan I was considering joining, including their queen. Last night I made the switch, and was officially taken into the Champions of Death clan. I am pretty excited about the possibilities available here.

There is so much I could say about Bloodlines, and this is definitely not the last post on the subject. But I thought it would be best to give a brief history of my experience with it before I touch any other subjects. I would just like to make clear that I do not intend to offend any clan or its members in this post. whether they are members of any clan I was in formerly, or if I mentioned you in my example of numbers. I respect every vampire and clan until I have reason to do otherwise. (....a good subject for a blog pot? maybe....)

It's a big big world out there in SL land. Watch out for foolish vamps.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Time for Everything

It is creeping up on my 1 year birthday on Second Life. What a year of experiences it has been. Learning to adapt to the virtual world of Second Life has been an amazing yet, confusing experience.

When I first created my Avi (Micah Kalinakov) in London's Hyde Park greeting area, I had no clue what I was doing. The avi choices Linden Lab had at the time were incredibly ugly and just plain cheap looking. (though, at the time you are shocked at how great they look, until you see some hot avi with long flowing hair and a great, non plastic body, looking at you.) I recall that pink house dress with white polka dots like it was just yesterday. As soon as I finished all of the avi appearence options, I ran into who would be my first "Friend" on SL. His name was Chuck and he was a noob just like me. Right of the bat he proposed (I don't think he saw the good looking avi's around) to me. I laughed at that, and we ran off to find the Australia sim. From there we tried out our flight skills and ended up at a club with some really nice Australians.

That was my first night in SL. I will say that I really wasn't impressed. A few weeks later I decided to give it another shot, and thats when I really got hooked.

Somehow I found my way to Help People Island (which is a great place to go if you're a noob!) and met Jameson Brodesian. There, he brought me and another noob to the Gnubie Store at Powder Mill, and I had my first SL shopping experience. If shopping didn't feel complicated enough, I had my try at changing clothes that day as well, and I was pretty defeated. A very nice lady helped me out and gave me a shape and a few skins to try out. At that point, anything was better than that newbie skin I was wearing! She taught me how to change, use a pose stand, and how to open boxes.

Needless to say, once I got those few things down, I was ready to take the SL world by storm.

and I am pretty sure I did...