Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Time for Everything

It is creeping up on my 1 year birthday on Second Life. What a year of experiences it has been. Learning to adapt to the virtual world of Second Life has been an amazing yet, confusing experience.

When I first created my Avi (Micah Kalinakov) in London's Hyde Park greeting area, I had no clue what I was doing. The avi choices Linden Lab had at the time were incredibly ugly and just plain cheap looking. (though, at the time you are shocked at how great they look, until you see some hot avi with long flowing hair and a great, non plastic body, looking at you.) I recall that pink house dress with white polka dots like it was just yesterday. As soon as I finished all of the avi appearence options, I ran into who would be my first "Friend" on SL. His name was Chuck and he was a noob just like me. Right of the bat he proposed (I don't think he saw the good looking avi's around) to me. I laughed at that, and we ran off to find the Australia sim. From there we tried out our flight skills and ended up at a club with some really nice Australians.

That was my first night in SL. I will say that I really wasn't impressed. A few weeks later I decided to give it another shot, and thats when I really got hooked.

Somehow I found my way to Help People Island (which is a great place to go if you're a noob!) and met Jameson Brodesian. There, he brought me and another noob to the Gnubie Store at Powder Mill, and I had my first SL shopping experience. If shopping didn't feel complicated enough, I had my try at changing clothes that day as well, and I was pretty defeated. A very nice lady helped me out and gave me a shape and a few skins to try out. At that point, anything was better than that newbie skin I was wearing! She taught me how to change, use a pose stand, and how to open boxes.

Needless to say, once I got those few things down, I was ready to take the SL world by storm.

and I am pretty sure I did...

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