Sunday, June 13, 2010

In Defense of the Genre...

Its been a while...and yes, I often steal album names as blog titles.

So why "In Defense of the Genre" by Say Anything? Welll, I wasnt inspired by the album or anything, I was more or less inspired to defend Mars Bracken and the Bloodlines RP system. I know I give it a lot of hell in this blog, but there are many things I truly love about BL and consider valuable. Defence...commence!

(please excuse any scatterbrainness...)

1. Bloodlines is truly a unique experience on Second Life. Why just wander aimlessly around SL acting like you would in RL? Isn't that contrary to the point of having a second life? Becoming a part of an RP system such as Bloodlines will enhance your experience, and give you a chance to truly go beyond your day to day sence of normalcy. Put aside any issues you may have with griefers, and you will find something that truly needs to be cherished in Bloodlines.

2.Given the popularity of vampires right now, you get the chance to enter into a world with many other people who may have similiar interests. Now, I am no Twilight freak, but I did enjoy the books. And yes, many vampires in SL are Tweekers (mad mad Twilight fans as I call them) but for the most part they just add to the fun. Saying this, it is not completely ridiculous to see or hear of vampires and lycans roaming around the wastelands of SL.

3. Mars Bracken is not trying to rip off the residents of Second Life. Yes, I am sure he has made a pretty penny with his RP system, but consider his intentions in creating Bloodlines. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he made it for himself and others to enjoy, most likely because all vampire sims at the time were sub par. I am thankful that he took the time to create BL, because I have met some of the most amazing people through it, and I am sure many would agree. Which brings me to my last point.

4.If you think I am full of it for saying numbers 1-3, then take this one as the most important, because it is. If you decide to join Bloodlines for anything, do it for the clan. You all should know my history in BL by now, and if you dont, read up on my earlier posts. My best friends in this SL world are vampires, from many different clans. But there is nothing better than coming online and being greeted by your clan in clan chat, and having some of the craziest conversations known to man, with people you consider to be your family. I am so lucky to be in such an amazing clan, and to have strong bonds with fellow vamps in other clans as well. I could come to the point where I hate everything about Bloodlines, but never leave for the sake of these relationships I have made.

So, in closing, every RP system has its errors, but I feel as if the positives WAY outweigh the negatives. I will most likely continue to blab about my issues with BL in the future, but let this post stand as where my heart lies, and that is in full support of Bloodlines.

Next time, I will try to be back to my ranting and raving self. : )

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