I had some nice inspiration from a resident name Coco. She has an awesome blog, which I should probably link too....hmmm I better find it.
She has some sick fashion skills! Anyway, I visited a few of the stores mentioned in her blog and put my finds together with things I already owned and TA DA! Fashion fun times.
Also, I grabbed the Kari Komrad HUD for photos and had some fun with it. Here are the results!
Hair: CaTwA-lamar in espresso
Dress: Emery-Picnik in tanasher*%
Shoes-ANEXX-Ankle Lace up boots in brown%
Socks: Fleshtone-winter sheer socks*%
Tattoos: The Sea Hole-Infinity tentacle Wrist Tattoo and Little Pricks-Beautiful Flowers%
Skin: Curio-Petal in Autumn-Ember makeup%
Eyes:Negaposi-Dreaming Eyes in Boscage%
Necklace and Bracelet: Fusion-Dagger and Skull
Makeup-D.A. drama Makeup Box*
*Inspired by Coco's Blog
% In world ONLY items
Happy Shopping!