First of all, there is the whole teens entering the main grid fiasco. Ugh, I want to blog about this so bad but I am not about to switch gears. When I was 17, I would have loved to have been on Second Life, but if I know the people I went to high school with, there were some real dumbasses, who would have screwed everything up. So, in a nutshell, although I know some are mature enough to handle the adult content of SL, its to big of a legal liability, and I am completely against it. I'll leave it at that now for now.
I came to blog about the Emerald Viewer scandal. Not about what happened and why, I think we all understand that by now, but about the reactions of some of the users. But first, a bit of background info.
I use Viewer 2. SHOCK! It has its fall backs, but overall, I think it is much sleeker and cleaner looking. It has benefits that I don't think the old viewer has or Emerald. I used to use Emerald religiously, but really, I found it to be a pimped out version of Viewer 1, and I thought Viewer 1 looked like shit, so it was just a whole bunch more crap taking up my screen space. Besides the fact that it looks absolutely prehistoric. I occasionally hop on Emerald if I need to dual log or if I need to use some other feature it has, and I like it that way.
but mostly, I use V2 because I find that the majority of Emerald users act as if they are hooked on some drug. Or like Emerald is the "holy of holies" as far as viewers go. So many of them are so arrogant, and aren't even willing to try to understand any other viewer because "nothing can top Emerald". I think Emerald is great. I think it's users generally suck. (key word: generally, YOU may be the exception!) This is simply my opinion, but pompous, arrogant, cocky attitudes are beyond me.
I did watch Arabella and....I forget her name...on....that one talk show the other night. Some Second Life talk show hosted by a chick named Lindsey? Nice Aussie lady. Anywho, they were so nice and I sincerely felt bad for them and for what Fractured Crystal did to Emeralds users. I thought it was cheap and disrespectful. I honestly wish them the best and hope that the new viewer they are working on turns out great, because I would totally use it. Anyway, since all of this happened, it's been like the Apocalypse. Everyone is freaking out! Sending notices and IM's and all sorts of BS to warn people. THERE IS NOTHING TO BE WARNED ABOUT. Yes, Emerald has been taken of the approved third party viewer list, but it has not been banned, and it is only a matter of time before they are back on it. LL sent out a notice in the blogs today about it. If the Emerald haters would get off their LL hating asses and read the blog, they would know exactly whats going on.
So how do you become completely over-dramatic? Be as uninformed and biased as possible. Don't read anything LL sends out. Don't try to find OFFICIAL information. Assume that anything the Lindens do send out, is bullshit, because after all, they are the enemy. Cling to your emerald shaped teddy bears and send notices out to your friends warning them about the impending doom. Oh, and don't forget to pack your virtual bomb shelter full of bottled water, tuna, and SPAM. You wouldn't want to go hungry when Phillip Linden attack your skybox for using the unapproved Emerald.
Get a grip people. Emerald is not going anywhere. SL is not going anywhere. (unless the teens send us all to prison next December...) We can all live together peacefully using our viewer of choice. : )